SOL Tuesday: Imperfect Attempt

I sit in the 5 AM artificial light and tap less than six keys at a time. Hesitation creeps into the void April has created after such vibes in March. I sit here, scrolling through photos, distractions, and precious minutes wasted.

We had a post-dinner dance party last night—I guess I’ll go there first. Tim sat at the table while I swung with Elena in my arms from side to side. I held her in a way that allowed us to face each other and play some Latin music. Slow at first, close together, singing the lyrics to her because dancing becomes its own force when I sing. Elena’s eyes wide open, giving me a gentle push if I dare stop for an instant. I’ll remember this random Monday evening for her through these words.

I’ve been wanting to write a post about Stop & Jot since I heard Lina (our socio-emotional consultant) being impressed with students reading and writing stickies in a grade 3 classroom. Twice, I’ve sat down, written a title, and seen myself close the laptop after failing at two incoherent sentences. Reflecting through writing is something harder than not. I know what I want to say, but the screen seems to be expecting meaning and clarity, and my ideas are too busy having their own dance party to deliver. I will try again later this week, and maybe Gianna can give me a hand.

Billy (my hairdresser) recommended this writing book a couple of years ago. I remember taking it to the beach with all my Post-its and eagerness to capture the great lines from the author, and I now don’t remember where it is. I often gift or lend books and forget who has them. On Saturday, I’ll lead a virtual session on writing for adults, and I could really use some quotes from that yellow book. While I wait for it to magically make its way back to me, I’ll try to make a plan for a group of moms to find meaning in writing something.

6:26 AM. The sun graces the clouds in front of me, slowly filling the dark spaces of my living room with better light. I turn the lamp off, and I will call it. I think I’ll go cuddle my sleepy baby, who is starting to roll around and be okay with this imperfect attempt at a Tuesday slice.

4 thoughts on “SOL Tuesday: Imperfect Attempt

  1. You tell us so much about yourself and your life by not telling us much 🙂 I think you will be glad you wrote today about your impromptu dance party with your little Elena. I loved the detail of how she gently pushes you for more when you seem to be stopping. Lovely image, worth remembering.


  2. Showing up is the most important step! I’m so glad you’re here today. The last time I saw that book, it was during the June PD in 4th grade! Maybe it’s still there 🧐


  3. Ah, even your imperfect attempt is a joy to read. You have a way with words, and I loved envisioning you and Elena swinging along to the Latin music. I hope someday you will get your book with the post-it note quotes back. I’m glad you posted it today!


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