Food Stories

I wasn’t sure what to write about tonight. We shared countless small moments today, but I want to write about this idea I have not paid much attention to. Maybe it’ll lead me somewhere.

As you know, there are many photos of you eating because I became fully devoted to your solids journey, and documenting each successful meal mattered to me. My research began even before you existed because I grew up a picky eater and have always felt jealous seeing others eat random foods with such joy. Dinner parties were often big anxiety-producing events, so when the time came for me to raise an eater, I wanted you to not only love your meals but also develop a healthy relationship with food.

We had a shaky start due to your RSV hospitalization and the fact that you needed more time to sit up with little support. I quickly adjusted my expectations and promised to just enjoy every meal with you. With all the great information online also comes the stress of doing things right, and my head kept playing the same three songs: introduce allergens soon, the reflexes for learning to chew will disappear soon, how soon can I start preparing one meal for the family?

Soon. Soon. Soon. All the urgency, not much enjoyment.

One day, I received the latest package with the printed little photos, and as I began to sort them, I realized almost half of them were of you eating. I smiled because it proved that I was worrying less and enjoying more. Each photo came with a tiny story of your meal that day. Did you shove all the pasta in your mouth at once? Did you eat with your hand but still refuse to let go of the fork? Did you find your hidden chicken in the bib’s pouch or lick the table when it was over? Did you offer me a bite, a head bump, or a nod of approval?

I want to capture these stories for you, and I think that’s how the idea of the wall came to be. When I finish it, I’ll bring you by every day and tell you about the stories frozen in each photograph.

I still have to add the captions. And yes, the calendar is new.

P.S. Are you reading this letter and thinking about a recent meal you had and want to tell me about it? Call me, I can’t wait to hear it.

10 thoughts on “Food Stories

  1. Oh! That wall is priceless! Look at the joy she’s showing! I feel your worry in the beginning of this piece, but by the end your enthusiasm takes over. I especially like your sign off, the way you are so clearly thinking of Elena in the future. Betcha she does call & tell you about her meal. Who wouldn’t after seeing those photos?


  2. I love that you’ve printed out all these photos. It’s so easy to keep them digital and essentially lose sight of them. This wall must bring you joy every day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. While my own children were big eaters from the beginning, some of my grandchildren are very picky, and so your post celebrating eating caught my eye. It is a gift to enjoy eating as you (and I ) know! Happy meals ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love Elena’s food documentation! And your vulnerability in this post, writing about your anxieties around food yourself and around introducing solids to Elena. The joy she expresses is evident in the photos! So you’re definitely doing an amazing job. Can’t believe Elena’s one-year calendar is done! Yay to the whiteboard!

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